emotional adj. 1.情绪的,感情的。 2.容易激动,易动感情的,感情脆弱的。 3.感动人的,激起感情的。 an emotional actor 善于表情的演员。 an emotional state 兴奋状态。 n. -ism 感情主义,唯情论,情绪表露。 n. -ist 容易动感情的人;感情主义者,唯情论者。 n. -ity 激动;富于感情。 -ise, -ize vt. 使带感情色彩;使动感情。 adv. -ly
health n. 1.健康;健康状态;卫生。 2.昌盛,兴旺;生命力。 3.(祝健康的)干杯。 H- is better than wealth. = Good health is above wealth. 〔谚语〕健康胜于财富。 Here is to your health! = To your health! 〔敬酒时用语〕祝您健康! public health 公共卫生。 public health work 保健工作。 a health centre [station] 保健站。 health certificate 健康证明书。 the board of health 卫生局[科]。 broken in health 体弱多病。 drink (to) sb.'s health = drink a health to sb. 举杯祝某人健康。 in a delicate state of health 〔委婉语〕有喜,有孕。 in (good) health 健康。 in poor health 不健康。 inquire after sb.'s health 问安,问候。 not ... for one's health 为了物质利益,另有目的 (He is not here for his health. 他到这里来另有目的)。 out of health = in poor health. propose the health of sb. 提议为某人的健康干杯。 recover [resume] one's health 恢复健康。
The physical activity and emotional health 体育活动对情绪健康的影响
Enhance physical , mental , social and emotional health 能促进患者的体能情绪智能及社交情绪的健康
How can i improve my emotional health 我如何来提高感情健康?
What is good emotional health 什么是好的感情健康
Abuse of alcohol , tobacco or other drugs may also be a sign of poor emotional health 酗酒、酗烟或者其它药物同样也是感情健康差的征兆。
Benefits of activities for the person with dementia enhance physical , mental , social and emotional health 能促进患者的体能、情绪、智能及社交情绪的健康;
Regarding the emotional health of disciplined services officers " dsos " , will the government inform this council 有关纪律部队人员的情绪健康,政府可否告知本会:
Large space , unfamiliar or new environment , may cause confusion and anxiety . ( b ) factors related to physical and emotional health 过大的空间、新改动的环境,令患者产生不安及混乱。
Your emotional health , more than your intellectual knowledge , will produce the kind of character you want to produce 我们终于明白情绪商数比智商更重要,情绪的健康比知识对你的个性有更大影响力
To assess your own level of emotional health and find out the source of your stress , try our test and get your stress index 你可参考附设的压力测试,评估自己的精神健康,和认识自己精神压力的来源。